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Phil Yu

Hey, I’m Phil, one of the founders of

I’ve been in the business for over a decade and had the good fortune of trying pretty much every speedcube on the market. My turning style is light and (mostly) accurate. The cubes I like tend to be fast and stable.

Main Gear
MoYu WeiLong WRM V10 3x3 (20-Magnet Ball-Core + UV)

MoYu WeiLong WRM V10 3x3 (20-Magnet Ball-Core + UV)

$3299 $32.99
Cubicle Pro Shop WeiLong WRM V10 3x3 (20-Magnet Ball-Core + UV)

Cubicle Pro Shop WeiLong WRM V10 3x3 (20-Magnet Ball-Core + UV)

$4299 $42.99


$499 $4.99
Angstrom Dignitas

Angstrom Dignitas

$599 $5.99
Official Benmajin Plushie

Official Benmajin Plushie

$2499 $24.99
Benmajin 3x3 Logo - 3x3

Benmajin 3x3 Logo

$050 $0.50
Benmajin Tank Top

Benmajin Tank Top

$2150 $21.50